Ancient Greek Day 2024

We kickstarted our history learning this term with a whole day learning about Ancient Greece. The children all looked brilliant in their chitons and himations. It really helped us get into the spirit of things. After our adventures in the SpaceLab, we learnt all about life in Ancient Greece. The children were really brave and tried all sorts of foods that many of them had never tried before including feta, olives and tzatziki. In the afternoon, they had a go with some of the games and toys from ancient Greece – knucklebones, spinning tops and Morra. As you can see from our pictures, it was a fantastic and memorable day!

Space Lab

Ancient Greek day in Year 3 got off to a fabulous start with a visit from Mr Barber and the Space Lab Planetarium. We loved looking at the Ancient Greek ‘picture book’ across the stars and hearing about the exciting adventures of Heracles and the sad story of Phaethon.

My Voice Matters

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. We spent time reminding ourselves about how to look after our mental health. This year’s theme was ‘My Voice Matters’ and linked into Article 12 which is our right to have our voices heard. We learned that its important for us to tell people about our achievements and to feel proud of what we do. Each of us spent time reflecting on the things that we are proud of.

Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday 6th February, we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2024. We all agreed the internet can be a really fabulous resource and we use it for all sorts of things from schoolwork to gaming and even ordering food! But it can be a scary place so we need to make sure we know how to use it safely. We made posters to remind people how to stay safe while using the internet.


During PE this week we learned the importance of teamwork and perseverance. We worked together to send a hoop around the circle without letting go of our hands and we worked together to get all our team to safety across the ‘water’. Sometimes it was frustrating because if we fell in we had to start again but we kept going and worked as a team to achive our goals.

Posting our persuasive letters

The children got to post their letters this week. They chose to write letters about the affects of climate change on endangered animals. Letters were sent to Blue Peter, Newsround, The Prime Minster – Rishi Sunak, Anne Marie Morris MP and Sir David Attenborough. It was very exciting to get their messages sent out to so many places and each letter got a cheer as it dropped into the postbox. Won’t it be great if we get some replies?